Panamerica voted in four new board members to the Executive Committee yesterday during the Annual General Meeting of the Federacion Panamericana de Squash (FPS) in Santiago, Chile.  Twenty-one countries (Argentina, Barbados, Bermuda, Bolivia, Brasil, British Virgin Islands, Canada, Cayman Islands, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Jamaica, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, St. Vincent & The Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago and USA) together with the Athletes Commission elected President Sergio Becerra (of Colombia, formerly the FPS Vice President), Vice President Esteban Casarino (of Paraguay, formerly the FPS Vice-President South America), Secretary General Lolly Gillen (of Canada, re-elected), Vice-President North America Renato Paiva (USA), Vice President Cristina Echeverria (El Salvador), Vice- President Caribbean Karen Anderson (Jamaica), and Vice-President South America Juan Pablo Garcia (Argentina).

The new board will serve a four year term and will be responsible for paving the way for squash throughout Pan American as an Olympic sport. The membership were also in Santiago for the XIX Pan American Games where squash featured teams from Argentina, Barbados, Canada, Chile, Ecuador, EAI, Mexico, Peru and USA.

“It is a tremendous honour to be President of the FPS and to serve our membership as we continue to raise the bar and profile of our sport globally on our road to LA 2028 Olympics.”  President Becerra furthered expressed his appreciation to former President Francisco Paradisi, extending a ” massive thanks to Francisco Paradisi for his leadership and guidance these last four years.  He has put squash in Pan America on a higher platform and we are all extremely grateful for his contributions.”

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